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(NKTESS) 5 days / 4 nights

Note: Daily arrival except on Sunday (subject to change).



Upon arrival, welcome by the local guide at Pyongyang airport and check-in at the hotel.

Note: Rooms are available from 2pm.

Enjoy a day at leisure in the capital then, in the evening, transfer for a delicious traditional dinner, a Korean barbecue.

Overnight in Pyongyang.


After breakfast, the day is dedicated to Pyongyang city.

Depart through the city’s subway a rare opportunity to share the Pyongyangese daily life. Get off at the station at Arc of Triumph for shopping in one of the state owned boutiques.

Then, depart for Mansudae Hill and its huge statues of President Kim Il Sung and General Kim Jong Il before reaching Kim Il Sung Square. Visit Mansudae art studio exhibiting quality works: paintings, embroideries, ceramics, wood carvings, mosaics, sculptures, etc.

Finally visit the Grand Library protecting nearly 30 million of books.

Lunch is at local restaurant.

In the afternoon, visit the new Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum exhibiting military gear used by both sides including tanks, planes and torpedo boats.

Finally enjoy an exterior view of Juche Tower, 150 meter high.

Dinner is at hotel or local restaurant.
Overnight in Pyongyang.


  • An elevator provides access to the top of the Juche Tower; an additional 7 Euros per person must be paid locally.
  • The statues of Kim Il Sung President and Kim Jong Il Former Leader are not a tourist activity, therefore it is obligate to observe strictly the protocol when visiting. Inclinations, silence, respect and wreaths flowers are requested.
Day 03 PYONGYANG–KAESONG B L D 164 Km (102 Miles)

After breakfast, visit Korean Fine Arts’ Museum exhibiting realistic-Socialists’ works but also traditional Korean art.

Before lunch at the local restaurant, visit Kwangbop Buddhist Temple and Revolution Martyrs’ cemetery.

In the afternoon depart to Kaesong, once the capital of the Koryo Dynasty and today listed World Heritage by UNESCO.

Cooking demonstration in the evening, including preparation of rice cakes and kimchi.

Dinner is at hotel or local restaurant.
Overnight in a traditional Korean house in Kaesong.

Day 04 KAESONG–PYONGYANG B L D164 Km (102 Miles)

After breakfast, walk from the hotel through the city center of Kaesong towards the South Gate.

Then, depart to visit the DMZ where the armistice talks began. Visit Koryo History museum located within the walls of the very first university in Korea.

Also named the “Bamboo Wall”, DMZ is under highly secured area and is one of the last remains of the Cold War. Created on the 23rd of March 1953, this zone saw, for the first time within 50 years, a train crossing from South to North on the 17th of May 2007. Despite the intense situation, the atmosphere remains surprisingly relaxed.

Lunch is at local restaurant.

In the afternoon, visit the authentic Royal tomb of King Kongmin and his wife dating from 14th century. This tomb rich of sculptures and covered with Granite also has a superb view of the surrounding hills.

Return to Pyongyang by road and check-in at hotel upon arrival.

Dinner is at hotel or local restaurant.
Overnight in Pyongyang.


After breakfast, time is at leisure at the hotel.

Note: Rooms shall be released by 12pm (noon).

Depending on the flight schedule, transfer to the airport for the departure the flight.

End of our services.

Our prices include:

  • Accommodation in a shared double or twin room at selected hotels.
  • Transfer by a private air-conditioned vehicle as per the program.
  • English speaking guide except during time at leisure and his assistant.
  • Entry fees for all sightseeing tours as mentioned on the program.
  • Meals as mentioned on the program: B for breakfast, L for lunch or D for dinner.

Our prices do not include:

  • Visa for North Korea.
  • International flights and airport taxes.
  • Meals not mentioned.
  • Drinks, tips, personal expenses and all services not clearly mentioned.

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