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Laser Skin Care Treatment

Most up-graded high tech laser equipments will be used for the treatment of skin care. We look forward to seeing the best result from our client's condition of each skin type, complexion and we will use the best suitable equipments to resolve the conditions. There will be four different procedures such as:



I2PL laser equipment will be used for such wrinkles around eyes, lips, frown winkles between the brows, Liver marks, age spots, facial blemishes and freckles.




Toning laser equipment will be used for any additional treatments that have not been resolved from I2PL equipment.



Xenafraxel Laser:

Xenafraxel Laser equipment will be used for the acne scars, chicken pox marks, enlarged facial pores


Emax laser:

Emax laser equipment will be used to regenerate damaged skin cells from dermal layer of skin and improved complexion and skin elasticity.



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