Convention Information
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  • Venue Name : The Seoul Arts Center
  • Location : Seoul
  • Address : 700, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea, 137-070 Seoul
  • Tel : 02-580-1234
  • Fax : 02-587-5841
  • Email : webmaster@sac.or.kr
  • Website : www.sac.or.kr
  • Meeting Rooms
  • Total Area(㎡) : 390
  • No. of Meeting Rooms : 2
  • Capacity of Largest Room : 485.0

Floors : Opera House(4 Stories above ground), Concert Hall(3 Stories above ground)

The Seoul Arts Center is a natural cultural park and a multi-disciplinary arts complex composed of an Opera House, a Music Hall, a Seoul Calligraphy Art's Museum, a Hangaram Art Museum, a Hangaram Design Museum, an Arts Library, a Hill Stage and an outdoor area for cultural events. The Conference Hall is located on the 4th floor of the Seoul Calligraphy Art Museum, which can be used for opening and closing ceremonies of conventions and conferences.

From the Airport : 67 Km, 65 Minutes(by car)
From the Railway Station : 10 Km, 15 Minutes(by car)

Meeting Rooms

Name Location Area
Theater Classroom Reception Banquet
* Conference Hall Large room - 485 200-300
  Small room - 90

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